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Dear Mommy:

You are my north star.

my compass.

my guiding light.

my concience

my best friend.

Thank you.

That seems like such an inadequate term for what I am trying to convey.

Words in general fail me when I try to capture the magnatude of my admiration towards you.

Now that my life has come to a place where I am now a mother I can correctly appriciate your love for me. and the things your have done for us.

and I want you to know you blow me away.

I honestly dont know how you did it. But im so beyond grateful to your efforts.

thank you for every sleepless night you endured so I could feel comfort.

thank you for every hug.

thank you for every kiss.

thank you for every time you didnt yell.

thank you for lettting us be little.

thank you for letting us grow up.

thank you for letting me do it my way.

thank you for never making me feel inadiquate.

thank you for being both parents on so many holidays.

thank you for every coffee you didnt buy so I could have what I wanted.

Thnank you for every time you have had to budget and re budget and sacrifice to keep me warm and feed and clothed.

thank you for putting us first .

Thank you for everything you do as a grandmother.

Thank you for being nana and poppy in the same ways you had to be mom and dad.

Thank you for fearlessly following me while i blindly navigate my terrifyingly uncharted life.

I could literally go on forever.

I was lucky enough to be raised in a house that promoted being an individual. You alwasy ran our house as a democracy which did NOT make your life any easier but it showed me and my sister how to form an intelegent argument, how to advocate for ourselves..How to live with the choices WE made.

Every compliment ive ever gotten in regaurd to my motherly skills.

Is also a compliment to you.

YOU showed me how to be EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING your child need you to be at ANY cost. YOU taught me that a mothers love is unwavering and unconditional.

Alls i've ever wanted to do is make you proud mommy.

I hope ive done that. I hope I contiune to do that.

exactly twenty seven years ago you were in your final strech of labor and you brought me into this world, and an unbreakable bond was born that day awell. On that day you were the first face a saw it brought me comfort and although you cant swaddle me in your arms anymore I want you to know its still your face, your precence, that brings me imeasurable peace and comfort.

Without you i would NEVER have been able to navigate this far in my life.

and i just wanted to make sure I give formal credit where credit is due.

No one is more beautiful then you mom.

You are truely the strongest person i know and id be lucky to grow up to be just like you.

there is an uncapturable beauty about you that only the blessed can see.

hard working, fearless, loving, open minded, wise, modest, and unwavering.

The only thing better then being able to crawl in your bed, hug you and call you mommy,

is being able to tuck my daughter in next to you and have her KNOW in her heart thats her nana and she is loved.

you are a complete blessing to this family.

On this day, my birthday, I want to thank you mommy.

For every time i was too young , too selfish and too inexperienced to understand that it was you who needed a hug and a kiss and a hand to hold and someone to sit up with you so you could sleep comfortably. I value your friendship so much more then you realize.

thank you .

i love you mommy.

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