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Freedom found in laughter

You know what all moms love most?

Seeing their child truly happy.

Witnessing their child experience something for the first time.

Seeing their child enaged in an activity, taking pride in themselves

.Seeing their child face glow with excietment and wonder at the world around them.

To hear happiness bubble out of them and to have their laughter fill the room.

Honestly, there is no greater way to experience the world then through the wonder of a childs heart. That is true for all parents regaurdless of circumstance. Its a common bond we all share.

But, when you the mother of a special needs child its a littl bit sweeter.

because its not just a natural expected occurance. its hard earned. hard won and fought for.

Its the pay off of all the exasperated sighs and overwhelmed moments.

The proof that what you are convincing yourself of, is in fact true.

This week has been a pretty amazing on for our girl.

I just tucked her into her bed and said my prayers over her. As iIwatch her inhale and exhale with that beautiful peaceful rythym that only children have.

I cant help but cry, big huge thankful tears.

She is becoming so ... aware... of her world. I wish i knew what clicked recently. But shes so engaged with her enviornment these days. Its incredible.

Every day this week I have picked her up from preschool and her teachers are raving about how happy she was, how she was openly and freely laughing at her peers and paying attention to them as they attempted to share with her.

This is the same girl who couldnt even sit off of my lap without a meltdown on her first day in class???

I'll admit I thought they were exagerating on Monday,

I picked her up tuesday to a report of a stellar PT session and the amamzing news that her speech therapist has decided shes ready to start attempting the use of switches ! She is starting with a "hello" switch during her morning meeting. After school her and I played "touch trainer" on her IPAD mini . (she has been working with this app for quite some time now and REALLY enjoys it. But she has struggls with reaching and touching with her palms down. )

However , apparently as of tuesday she has decided that she can and will rock that game. She hit every time, dead on target for like 25 min stright without fail. I was in tears (pretty common, im a crier). She was so engaed and proud of herself and happy to see the changes she was causing. Dancing (head bopping) to the music.. NEVER have I seen her so willingly engaed with ANYTHING thats not mickey mouse.. proud isnt the word fo what I felt..

I dopped her off wednesday and suggested they give touch trainer a try with her, at pick up her speech therapist is raving about how well she did with her ipad that day, The bigger news was that she was laughing at her minnie mouse doll and mrs. lisa . This time im beggining to belive its true, that shes may actually be having a breakthrough at school ..

Today: started off terrible.. just bad.

.I had no coffee.

Im never without coffee. thats a clear violation of rule #1 in my survival guide..

It was really shaping up to be a full blown anxiety fest of a day as I sat and attempted to make a to do list. Then just like the little ray of sunshine she is .. sophia gives me a reason to remember i am blessed.

mrs. webber; her teacher, with the help of ms. Lisa; her 1:1 aide and Kristen; her Speech Therapist send me a video of sophia in class, with lisa and a minnie-doll we brought back from her disney world wish trip.

It was my proof. My validation. Music to my heart.

What your about to see, is a pretty simple moment for most. But it has never happened in the 3.75 years i've been attempting to play with my daughter.. shes giggling .. literally laughing out loud at an inanimate object...enjoying her enviornment, fully enaged.. at school.

All the PPT meeting and coordination and anxiety and phone calls and equipment assesments were worth it for that moment,

She is enjoying her world.

That is my only goal.

Help her find a way to experience life, without limits.

and the moment of freedom she gets in genuine laughter: is priceless.

I dare you to watch this video and not have a huge smile on your face..

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